sábado, 12 de junho de 2010

The Magic Numbers

Oi gente, ontem bebendo um vinho com as amigas descobri essa banda chamada "The Magic Numbers" achei muito legal! É uma banda Indie de Londres, o som é bem gostosinho de ouvir e os clipes muito leais! Já baixei todas as músicas deles!
Essa musiquinha aqui vai para o dia dos namorados! :D

Esse não é o clipe ofiial da música, não consegui colocá-lo aqui, mas se quiserem assistir é só clicar aqui.

Vamos acompanhar a letra então...

Love's A Game
The Magic Numbers

"Oh, maybe I think maybe I don't
Maybe I will maybe I won't
Find my way this time
I hear you're calling me soon
One of these days
Some of these days, and somebody pays
It happens all the time
I'll be leaving, believing you wanted me to

And maybe I'm a fool for walking in line
And maybe I should try to lead this time
I'm an honest mistake that you made
Did you mean to?
Did you mean?
Oh, did you mean?

Love is just a game
Broken all the same
And I will get over you
Love is just a lie
Happens all the time
Swear I know this much is true

Oh, and they coloured you up
They coloured you down, they coloured you in
And I've been waiting so long
To take you home

And maybe I think, maybe I don't
Maybe I will, maybe I won't
Find my way tonight
But I hear you're calling me soon

And maybe I'm a fool for walking in line
And maybe I should try to lead this time
I'm an honest mistake that you made
Did you mean to?
Did you mean?
Oh, did you mean?

Love is just a game
Broken all the same
And I will get over you
Love is just a lie
Happens all the time
Swear I know this much is true

And maybe I'm a fool for walking in line
And maybe I should try to lead this time
I'm an honest mistake that you made
Did you mean to?
Did you mean?
Oh, did you mean?

Love is just a game
Broken all the same
And I will get over you
Love is just a lie
Happens all the time
Swear I know this much is true"


Então é isso! Feliz dia dos namordos pra todos!
E lembrem-se sempre que namorar é divertido e não doído, e se for doído que não seja namoro!

1 comentários:

Jean disse...

Muito bom!
The Magic Numbers é o típico som para tardes sensatas e manhãs exatas, se desejar noites mais inspirativas...

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